Tuesday, April 8, 2014

My process journal + Spring break goals (Entry #4)

I finally decided that I was going to go with an online blog as my process journal for the upcoming personal project that I will be working on the whole year. I was debating between a blog and an actual journal, even though keeping a written journal would look much nicer, I thought that it would take too much time to write and scan and page. Other reasons why I chose a blog as my process journal:

  • Able to archive posts to see every reflection posted per month, this is great for looking at progress
  • Posts separated by tags and categories, can be easily found
  • Easy to use and less time consuming
  • Accessible to everyone, anywhere
I'd say this week is the week everyone officially "started" their personal project, which includes setting up their personal project and having a meeting with their supervisor. Since the spring break is coming back, I have a lot of free time in my hands and I'd like to set up some goals for myself. By the end of spring break...
  • Finish the school handbook and submit to committee to proofread
  • Email Karen to see if there's anything she wants me to do
  • Contact CDNIS teachers who agreed to participate in event (Mr. Lovegrove and Mr. Hughes)


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