Saturday, October 4, 2014

Source of Inspiration #1 (Entry #21)

In the magazine above, the two main colours are blue and yellow, and the colours are used throughout the whole magazine, which shows Repetition. With only two main colours used, it looks much more tidy and neat, and also really consistent. I really like the design, especially on the top picture where they lowered the opacity of the background (city skyline), and made the background black and white. They made the man in colour, and used the instant alpha effect to take the background off the image (of the man), this way, the man was much more noticeable than just a simple image. I realised that they used the same font throughout the magazine, just with different sizes and style (eg. Bold, italic), so that it doesn't look too messy; I am planning to use only 2-3 throughout my whole report. Finally, there is alignment in the magazine as it looks really tidy and everything is arranged really well.


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