Saturday, June 7, 2014

June 7th - Walking the marathon route (Entry #8)

Today, I visited the route and location for the marathon, which will take place at Renaissance College, close to Ma On Shan. We (the committee and I) basically walked the route, looked at the site, took pictures so that we could discuss and plan at meetings. Here are some pictures I took during the time:

This is the entrance of Renaissance College from the MTR station, we discussed that this is the place that the runners would be reporting to once they arrive.

This outdoor area will be where most activities take place (After the marathon) - such as the hot dog sale and performances

This indoor area is where the intro would take place, runners would report to the indoor area upon arrival with a short intro from several people and some speeches.

 Finally, this is where the whole marathon will take place, it is along this harbour near the school. Since it's non-competitive, runners will take off at several different times.


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