Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Current Update (Business Aspect) (Entry #17)

Things I've done:
  • make poster to advertise about the sale during the run
  • create a google form so people can pre-order hotdogs
    • easier for me to estimate demand
  • create a handbook/guide for schools to sign up for the run
  • planned ways to advertise
    • Facebook group/page
    • attach to website
    • school announcements 
    • permission form 
    • order t-shirts 
    • CanCham (The Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong) - Newsletter
  • how to keep track of who ordered hotdogs during the event: stamps

Things I need to do next:
  • Brainstorm
    • how many volunteers needed and what their roles are
    • how to collect money
    • number of hotdogs
  • Contact
    • supplier for hotdogs - RCHK
  • Research
    • contents of business report 
      • this is to help the people organizing hotdogs in next year's event

Global Context (Entry #16)

After thinking through my personal, I finally finalised my global context - Identities and Relationships

  • I feel that I have a really strong connection to the project as ultimately, the goal of my project is to aid the Terry Fox Run and raise money for them - by selling hotdogs
    • all the money raised from the run will be donated to purchase new technology for cancer patients (to analyze circulating tumour cells, ultimately improving care for cancer patients) - I have a very strong connection to this topic since I lost a young cousin due to cancer
  • I value giving back, that kindness is extremely important
    • Wrote essays and poems about this topic in grade 9
    • UNICEF Club executive 

Monday, September 15, 2014

Meeting with Mr. Paetzold (Entry #15)

During the short meeting I, along with Ms. Nobert and Nicole had with the personal project coordinator and school - Mr. Paetzold, we discussed a lot of important aspects of the project and clarified any confusions we had.

  • most importantly, I got my topic approved, it's appropriately challenging
  • the global context and why my project is interesting and meaningful for me
  • discussed weather or not I will have enough time after the event (as it is in November), we decided that I will have enough time to complete the report as long as I have good time management 
  • next steps (starting on both the personal project and business report)